Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Recently a friend and his wife welcomed a bouncing baby boy into their household. He's a good little guy with the pre-req of 10 fingers and 10 toes. But what he might be losing shortly has erupted into a debate between he and his wife that I'd like to share since well he dragged me into it last week.

So far the little guy's little guy is still covered up by a foreskin. They did not have him circumsized at the hospital due to his father thinking it was a barbaric travety to rob his son of something that will only make sex all the much better in about 16 years. His wife agreed initially and life would be great for the little guy. Now after overhearing a debate about the subject on national radio she is second guessing the move and even went as far to schedule an appointment to have the foreskin removed. Now Dad has something to say about this saying it would rob his son of sensation during sex. Sensation that he, being circumsized, will never know about or be able to enjoy.

In my view we were born with the flap for a reason and I'd say let it stay. She is worried about him being rediculed about it but is it worth desensitizing him to save him from a couple of prebubescent chuckles?

I say no but now I ask you, would you have your son circumsized?


Headgamer said...

4 males in my house. 4 circumcisions.

No question.

We're worried that if we get circumcised sex won't be as good?! Well, let's see, evidently there are reports that it enhances sexual sensitivity if uncircumcised.

Results from an article entitled: Male Circumcision: Assessment of Health Benefits and Risks

"There is substantial evidence that circumcision protects males from HIV infection, penile carcinoma, urinary tract infections, and ulcerative sexually transmitted diseases. We could find little scientific evidence of adverse effects on sexual, psychological, or emotional health."

Plus, talking to my wife who had to put in foley catheters for old uncircumcised guys for heart bypass surgery... stories of sores inside, and cheesy residue and men who's skin flap had closed to the point the head of the penis could not even come out (and therefore not cleaned)...

So let's see... concerns that sex may not be as good versus HIV/cancer/STD.... Hmmm... yep. Hard decision. :rolleyes:

Silver said...

If I had a son, I would ask the doctor to perform the circumcision, no question in my mind.

And that's all based on what Headgamer mentioned too.

Also, I have MANY female friends, of which I polled many times about this topic, with the majority having encountered an uncircumcised male.

Overwhelmingly, they all agreed that a circumcised penis was more pleasing to them. They were more grossed out by the look of one that hasn't seen the knife. Personally, I don't blame them, I think it looks gross with the skin too.

But yeah, it removal of said skin eliminates the risks HG mentioned....well DUH, get the knife ready! lol

k o w said...

Yeah but God had to put it there for a reason right? He wouldn't just put a flap of skin there for no reason other than to give us something to cut off?

WDKY said...

I did, and I fainted during the process. It's now in a jar above the fireplace...

Silver said...

Yeah but God had to put it there for a reason right? He wouldn't just put a flap of skin there for no reason other than to give us something to cut off?

Evolution put it there, but evolution isn't perfect either. Take the apendix or tail bone, both useless. The same with body hair, there's no point since it's not shielding you from anything. By-products of evolution.

Now if someone comes to me and says, "Hey, that useless thing on your body, if you get it removed, you'll reduce your risk of certain things that could potentially kill you." Then either God or evolution (take your pick) aren't perfect. We're imperfect beings, plain and simple.

Booster MPS said...

I don't know the answer to that question.....I often hear the same points made that HG pointed out but I wonder (in our wikipedia/google world) how much of that is indeed based on fact that can be proven. As for me, my calamari was taken many years ago.

So what do the women around here have to say?

Tuyet said...

I say snip it!

LSG said...

Terry and I both agreed on having the boys circumcised. It was a no brainer for us.

Sure, it's upsetting to think they have to go through the momentary pain of having it done, and the short healing process after, but it, imo, is cleaner and healthier.

Anyone with children understands how hard it is to get them to bathe right when they're old enough to do so by themselves. Add a foreskin into the equation... no thanks.

My first husband wasn't circumcised. There's a difference.

My pref is circumcised.