Monday, November 12, 2007

No more Mini

I'm no longer allowed to test drive Mini Coopers from one certain dealer in the area.
Apparently I "drive them too hard" when I take them out. I mean are we expected to pussyfoot the things when test driving them or should we be allowed to open them up and see what we can do with them? I'm sure when people go to buy a high end car they don't keep them under 60 in the highway test. The Mini is a driving machine and thus should be test driven as such.


e.e. said...

lol... you're too much.
Although, I must adnmid, I did that with a Landrover. Test drove the bugger, just for the heck of it (I was dreaming, mind you), ....and it KICKS ASS.

e.e. said...

adnmid = admit

gaddam typos

Silver said...

Didn't another dealership bar you from test drives?
Dang, you can't catch a break, can you? lol