Monday, February 02, 2009

If it had happened three years ago, maybe even this time last year I would have hopped on here to write about it.

But I didn't.

Instead I decided to revisit this little pond of melancholy to...

1.) See if it still existed.

2.) I was bored.


Just wanted to say I want my old fishing partner back, my D.O.D.



Booster MPS said...

If you write, I promise to listen bud.

Elle Dubya said...

Captain, I am here.

Blueprincesa said...

Ah, the impulse to revisit the pond of melancholy. Eventually, it gets us all.

WDKY said...

You're just pissed off because the Toon are going down :-)

e.e. said...

I know how you feel. I miss my D.O.M.

Getting older sucks, but, living for today is the key.

Take care...

- d.o.f.

Anonymous said...

How about a new fishing partner? We have kayaks and a lake.