I don't know how many of you out there have an HD set already, probably a good bit of you. But if you don't your missing out. It's disgusting sometimes how great a show can look in HD. I don't even like to watch standard tv anymore, hell I can't. I actually turn off baseball when its in SD.
Since I've gone HD I have become addicted to one show in particular. It's called Three Sheets and it plays on Mojo, an HD channel I think most of you all should have. It's basically a show about a guy who flys to all sorts of faraway places and drinks the local tonic. Basically it's my dream job and the guy who hosts it is one lucky son of a bitch. I mean who wouldn't want to get paid to travel and drink? And you don't have to write anything! You just sit there and get schloshed while the camera rolls. Fuck I can do that.
Any way the show is responsible for the case of Guinness in my fridge at the moment. I watched the Ireland episode and immediately wnet out and bought a case of the stuff. I've been drinking it forever but never have a I bought a case of that stuff. One a day should get me through the next 3 weeks nicely. . . very nicely.
pffttt.... one a day? get real!
I'm not sure that's how you really spell 'schloshed'.
But, whatevah.
Maybe I'm too shloshed to know either way.
You're the student, right?
You auttah know...
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