I had risen this morning and found the alarm clock to read 7:30. This was not good as I had to be in the office by 8:30 and my commute is an hour long. So I hopped out of bed and threw the

clothes I planned to wear into the drier and set them to perm press hoping to get that "I ironed it but not great" look. I then went into the shower, washed up, scrubbed and then sprinted to the drier to get my clothes out. Threw on a pair of briefs and then my pants which were nice and warm from the drier. "OWWWW!!!" I screamed as I pulled on my pants hastily. It would seem my scrotum wasn't all the way tucked inside of my undies thus leading them to hit the red hot zipper. Holy shit did it hurt. I jumped up and down like a kid who had just stepped on a tack barefoot. Checking to see if my beans were ok I was pleased to find that they were minus a small red mark made by the zipper.
Remember to always check to see whether the zipper is hot or not before putting on your pants in a hurry.