Thursday, October 14, 2004

Monkey Butlers

I you found this place thanks to that post over on you just won a prize. And frankly way too much time on your hands to go out and search for Monkey Butlers.

I'll buy the first three people who reply to this a beer whenever I see them in "real" life.

Fuck I was going to buy it anyway but now I have a reason.

Oh yeah, Kingdom Under Fire fucking rules. Just beware my balloons. They're nastier than an ex-wife with a dull knife on a Wednesday evening who comes in to ruin your viewing of that piece of shit Ken Jennings and his never ending dominance of Jeopardy.

Now thats a fucking blog entry if I 've ever read one.

Which I haven't.


Aaron said...


I found ya, I found ya!!!!

CatSpit said...

Rameses Knibblich III?

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete,how about that beer.Mike Franco, Treasurer Philadelphia Bassbusters.
Email me at