Friday, March 16, 2007


Flintstone vitamins taste like candy. Eat to many though an you'll shit a hand grenade.

Ever try typing with a thumb splint on? It's like well like this!

I made pho for the first time the other day and I'll be damned, I didn't fuck it up.

Your probably wondering what pho is, google bitches.

Someone murdered my Ionic Breeze. Wheres Orbach when you need him?

No I don't want to go to the mall. Theres better things for me to do than stand out front of a shoe store on a Saturday afternoon. You know the spot, where all the guys stand looking over the railing at the women walking by down below. Maybe just once in awhile we get some decent cleavage. Maybe.

Duke didn't fuck up my pool this year, go VCU.

The 2001: A Space Odyssey soundtrack is fucking spooky. Want it? Send me an email.



kimmyk said...

what didja do to your thumb? get all crazy whackin it or what?

Booster MPS said...

Pho rocks. Get your ass here and I will take you and the Mrs. back in time to Hanoi.

Kubrick was a genious and years ahead of his time.

Fame said...


Sorry your thumb is screwed up...