Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Lunchtime Beverage

Today's lunchtime beverage was...

Lime Coca Cola

All the taste of regular old fashioned coke but now with a lime twist aftertaste. Not bad, not great. Definitely worth a try.

Comment below on how utterly wasteful the last 30 seconds of reading this dribble has been.

In other news...

I want to buy a horse.
A Clydesdale,

and fuck you blogger for not letting me post a pic here. This shit should be easy yet you make it hard as fuck for those of us not PC savvy. Blogger is the brain fuck of the internet.


CatSpit said...

Diet Lime Coke rules! I'm completely addicted to it as well as the vanilla. The only thing that bothers me about this drink is the advertising.

You put the lime in the coke, you nut, drink 'em both together put the lime in the SHUT THE FUCK UP

Anonymous said...

Diet Lime Coke rules! I'm completely addicted to it as well as the vanilla. The only thing that bothers me about this drink is the advertising.

You put the lime in the coke, you nut, drink 'em both together put the lime in the SHUT THE FUCK UP