Yes nothing like a fresh layer of the white stuff to make a guy miss Hawai'i. 70 degrees and sunny was a treat while visiting the islands. Korean BBQ, Dole pineapple whip ice cream, bikinis, surfing, bikinis, hiking in the jungle, bikinis, eating taro root, bikinis, ABC stores, oh and bikinis. I'll post up some pics as soon as I take them off the camera.
I'd show a picture of my back but I'm going to let it heal up somewhat. I learned early on that volcanic rock in the ocean can be as sharp as razer blades. While I was making like the big kahuna on my rented surf board I "totally" wiped out. The wave decided to drag me under running my body across the bottom which just happened to be nothing but rock. Yeah that was fun. Nothing like looking around yourself and seeing a nice red cloud building up around you in the water. Honestly at first I didn't feel the cuts and I thought if the blood attracted sharks that would be pretty fucking cool. So I continued to surf as all the locals called me nuts. Besides whats better to clean out a wound than saline solution? I was swimming in the stuff so I figured I was ahead of the game.
After about two hours my back started to kill me and I headed off the beach with tourists pointing at me all the way. I was approached by a lifeguard for first aid so I relented and had him patch me up. I've had it redressed 4 times since and I probably could use stitches but we all know how good a scar can be.