Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Thought of the Day

If I walk into a pub and theres an angry drunken stingray at the other end looking for a fight I'm not going to fuck with her. She's bad news.


Shan'Chelle said...

Yeah its always the quiet ones with a huge stinger coming out of its ass that you have to worry about :-)

Fame said...

I can't believe you said that. His body isn't even cold yet!! LOL

seriously do you know how many people in key west swim with them...no more of that for me at in the keys, strictly drinking!

ladylongfellow said...

I'm gonna miss Steve, it sucks. When you think of all the crazy ass deadly animals he would mess with, it's really ironic and tragic for him to be killed by a stingray. Such is life....and such is death.

Phain said...

what if it's a happy drunken stingray? just checking...

PG said...

True story: I held a stingray in my arms, against my chest, about 10 years ago. I was at Stingray city off the coast of Grand Cayman, on vacation.
I had chills when I heard this story. Unbelievable.
I don't think I'll be doing that again any time soon...

jamwall said...

that chick is armed and dangerous after only 2 harvey wallbangers!

Networkchic said...

Oh that's so mean....but I have to tell you I'll never do that swimming with the stingrays thing ever again.

kimmyk said...


Just plain wierd.

Sky said...

Oh, I would swim with the stingrays again. Not a huge deal. I would be willing to bet it was because the camera guy was in front and he was over, the ray felt threatened. I would fight back too if I thought I was being backed into a corner.

Anonymous said...

stingrays don't go searching for people to put their barbs in. it's a defense. so i'm thinking he was less than a foot away (since the barb is only the length of two index fingers) and it felt threatened. i've touched, held stingrays and if they are used to it of course they won't throw up their barb. sheesh.