Monday, November 28, 2005

The $3 PB & J

It's a fucking $3 peanut butter and jelly sandwich and who are we to deny ourselves it. Banana bread, raspberry jam, premium peanut butter all of them alone would have had us signed up with the devil to try it . I mean shit we can die happy knowing we paid 3 dollars on a peanut butter sandwich.Three levels of sticky goodness! And what the hell is hat white shit? Banana spread! I need a can of this stuff yesterday. Look at that sandwich. It's nearly 4 inches thick. It could stop a bullet. I can't fit my mouth over it.This sandwich kicked ass. Worth every red cent I spent. It took me 2 days to finish it.

Boy my posts of late have sucked haven't they? Peanut butter sandwiches, porn stories and Bush being pecked in the pecker. I was going to tell you all about the night I lost my virginity. I shagged that lil minx 8 times all over my buddy's house. Even outside on the picnic table, under the picnic table and on the 68' Mustang in the driveway. I'll save that story for another day.

Because I'm a (noun).


Danielle said...

damn 3 bucks lol I have to say the sandwich looks good though! ha!

Hope you had a nice thanksgiving and have a great day!!

Sky said...

Did you hear about the 15 year old girl that just died from kissing her boyfriend? He had a peanut butter sandwich 2 hours earlier and she had a lethal allergy to peanuts (obviously). You can kiss me though, I don't have any allergies :)

Blondie... said...

Good food and good shagging.

Can't ask for much more than that!


Blondie... said...

PS, even if the shagging is a fond

k o w said...

It's a very fond memory and one I hoped to capture on tape.

Danielle said...

did someone say philly style? lol haaaaaaaay! (laugh)

jamwall said...

i once videotaped me shagging a $3 peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

it was hot!