Friday, August 18, 2006


Looking out here from the edge I can see nothing but good things.
It's only when I look down that I feel a little less secure than I was just moments before.
Today is the last day of the last four and a half years.
The peers are all in agreement.
Now is the time and place.
And I am in complete agreement.


Booster MPS said...

Congrats on the world before you man. Going back full time is the way to go - great move.

j said...

Way to go.
Those steps forward are calling.

PG said...

Congratulations, and, awesome photograph. I wish I were there hiking... it looks fabulous.
I look forward to you stepping your way to Boston one of these days!

Caterpillar said...

Congratulations!!! You have the whole world in front of you now!!!

Fame said...

Take it from a girl who is living a life change. It's worth it. So right now my life is a bit dramatic and overwhelming, but I am keeping my dream in sight and being a teacher is all I ever wanted. I can't give up.

Congrats on going back full time. I think it's wonderful. Cheers to you.

Sky said...

Congrats sweetie. I am happy for you and I have no doubts that everything will work out for you!