Thursday, July 06, 2006


While driving into the farm this morning I noticed a young man wearing a shirt with something written on it. The saying was "I don't love these hoes!" Now I instantly asked myself how could someone not love a hoe. It's one of the greatest garden tools of all time, right up there with the spade and the pruner.

The guy certainly looked like he enjoyed his salad. He was a big boy making the saying the size of a billboard message along the highway. I wonder if he sits there at dinner saying "I don't love hoes but I love my salad!" Hoes are used in the cultivation of salad makings and thus this guy is a hypocrite.

Personally I love hoes. I work with mine each day working it back and forth slowly. I always wear protection when I'm with my hoe. First a hoe may give you splinters and they hurt and may require medication if it gets infected. Second you don't know who may have been working with your hoe before you so you should always wear gloves. Let's say your neighbor has been lusting after your hoe and while you were out they came over and used your hoe without you knowing. You'd be pretty pissed I bet, I know I would be. Also in my experience a dirty hoe is a good hoe. There's some stories a dirty hoe could tell if anyone would listen.

So in conclusion "I love those hoes."


Blondie... said...

Oh dear...


The love of hoes can be so fickle...


Suze said...

Hoe boy! Alex like to oil his up every now and then to keep it in good working order.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Booster MPS said...

I never met one I did not like.

Silver said...

Hey look at that, double posts about hoes. Werd to hoes mang!

WDKY said...

Nothing like an old hoe with some stories to tell.

Or a good fork.

Anonymous said...

I don't worry so much about my neighbour lusting after my hoe, so much as him coveting my ass.

Ellie Creek Ellis said...

santa is spoiled, he calls out for his three "hoe hoe hoe"'s, ...oh wait, that's a different sort of ho he likes.

personally, i like mine long, not those short ones.

Fame said...

LOL, I would give anything to have seen this man with this shirt. I'm glad you've decided to be nice to the Hoes, someone has too.

jamwall said...

i found a bunch of hoes in my trunk. i swear they're not mine!

i prefer the garden weasil.

kimmyk said...

If I were gonna be a garden tool...I'd be a hoe.

Sky said...

I am with kimmyk on this one. If I had to be a garden tool, I would be a hoe. :)

Sky said...

Oh and can I be your hoe?