Saturday, August 13, 2005

City of Heroes

Keg O'War standing guard on the Liberty server. Join him as he quests for truth, justice, big boobs, and beer.

I just got back into this game following NCSofts reminder in the form of a $15 charge on my credit card. It's definitely a level grind at heart just as Brandon told me months ago but I got the game just so I could make up some of the wackiest heroes I can think of. So in the coming weeks you'll see a couple of them pop in here to say hello. Who knows maybe I'll even start a comic with them.


Kojubat said...

We've got to arrange for a time to run around an smash things on CoH. I put some time into Swordstroke this weekend so I can play on Liberty.

Frozin said...

I want this game. Too bad I'm broke and can't afford it. Even if I could, I seriously doubt the wife would let me "pay to play".