Thursday, October 13, 2005

Buy This Juice!

Bolthouse Farms makes the greatest juice in the friggin' world. $3.50 a liter is completely worth the orgasm that your mouth is about to have.
To the right you see their "Green Goodness" and boy o boy is it good. It's got everything in it to make it look and sound disgusting.
Check out some of what's in this stuff:
Open Cell Chlorella
Barley Grass
Wheat Grass
and get this...

Holy crap is this stuff good. Sure it pours a disgusting, vile, spawned in the 9th circle of hell green but trust me it's good. Apples, bananas, and dragon fruit help balance out the not juicy ingredients above to make drinking this juice a pleasure, nearly better than sex.
So the next time your thirsty put down the Pepsi garbage and fill your belly with "Green Goodness" from Bolthouse Farms


CatSpit said...

Admit it, you're only drinking that SHIT all for the cause of a good blog post. It worked. UGH look at that stuff.

k o w said...

It's true. When I read the bottle I figured I'd take the bullet but I really enjoyed the stuff.

It does look like swamp water and it has the consistency of muck but it delivers so much goodness that I'm hooked.

Networkchic said...

Better than sex and it only costs 3.50? Wow...

NewYorkMoments said...

Just looking at that stuff made me puke up my breakfast.

Blondie... said...

I have to say I've never EVER drank anything that I would say is better than sex. lol

I have had some similar looking drinks like that and will look to find this particular brand.

But it does look like swamp water...

TJ said...

Mmmm-mmmn, sounds like a real party for your mouth...

And it's so convenient to have all of those ingredients combined in one ready-to-drink bottle, because normally I have to skim the surface of my fish tank myself to get my recommended daily allowance of blue green algae.

TJ said...
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k o w said...

Ok maybe it's not better than sex but it's close.

TJ said...

and on an unrelated note, are you going to play any paintball this fall? I went out once this summer and had a blast.

kimmyk said...

how much you get paid to do that advertisement?

i'm a water drinker, can't see myself drinking anything with algae in it. *gag*

k o w said...


I'm playing paintball tommorow. If your ever interested let me know. I play once a month at least.

TJ said...

hey, I'm heading outdoors myself this weekend. That would be cool to play again soon--let me know the next time you go.

finally forgiving said...

I've tried it...and it's really good...if you can get past the fact that it's green and "good" for you.

Galen said...

I bought a dragon fruit once... it was like a giant kiwi. Do you feel like shipping me some of that green sludge? It sounds good.

k o w said...

numbur one, email me your info and I'll send it out next week.

ladylongfellow said...

Anytime someone says "better than sex" I question if they are educated enough to say that? lol

cher said...

i'm going to be posting a picture of two new juices i found later today...and some finds from the local thrift shop.

... j said...

dude, im addicted to eating helthy shit that always keeps me hungry. I'm gonna try and pick that up this wend

honkeie said...

If anyone falls for this and buys it needs to be shot. First off anything with spirulina taste like grass water sown by doggie pee.

landry said...

i LOVE the carrot orange juice they make!!
i am not sure i would refer to it as being "better than sex"
but then again, i suppose i AM blessed.

Antek said...

Im on my way to try and buy this stuff right now man. BTW thanks for the bumping me up the blog link list, it means a lot and is really appreciated. I am glad that I can get approval from those that are friends.

WDKY said...

That really is one vile looking concoction. You're a top bloke for even buying it, let alone letting even one drop pass your lips.

It reminded me of when I used to keep terrapins and got a mouthful of putrid, crap filled tank water while syphoning through a tube one day. it's a long story.

LBseahag said...

you are my soul mate...

let's get together and do some bodily damage...

Red Sox Fanatic said...

I absolutely love that stuff! I agree about it being swamp-looking, but tastes wonderful! Their brand of juices are awesome! The strawberry-banana is another great flavor along with the vanilla chai. Too bad it has a lot of sugar in it.

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

if you drink something blue you poop green, is the dsame if you drink green you poop a smurf?

j said...

i like the mango lemonade.

i drink my green from Happy Planet

Anonymous said...

it's still big! ;)

Mister Hand said...

Okay, that stuff looks like fresh cut grass gone through the juicer. With bile.

~Moi~ said...

actually i did have a drink like that before - spirulina ! yum! yum! good stuff

ACG said...

ew ew ew.

jamwall said...

i just threw up in my mouth...