Well I do.
It's the best reading monthly I've ever read.
The pictures of B and C list celebrity babes doesn't hurt either.
This blog was long overdue for boobies. I will take reader submissions too.
EDIT: I deleted Jennifer Love Hewitt. She just doesn't do it for me anymore. Sure her boobs are great but honestly that's about it. Everything else about her annoys me and I can't say exactly why. I haven't seen her new show yet where she's talking to dead people so that can't be it.
Why do they put their names on the pictures? I thought the names didn't matter.
We need the names so we can google them for nudes. ;)
mmm, boobies. I'm happy to see the internet is still being used for good, old fashioned entertainment. Better than constantly whining about your personal life, I guess. Good show, sir.
honey gets Maxim along with FHM and one other every month. I read 'em when I'm blow drying my hair. They have good articles. Every woman should read one every now and then.
I'm not a big fan of Kelly Monaco-she seems like a twit. But like honey says "who cares what she has to say as long as she says it in this" *pointing to magazine*
It caters to the man-half nekkid chicks, game reviews, blood and gore, and every now and then an ad for cologne and new shoes. That's where honey found his Puma's.
Thanks Maxim for making men a little more metro.
googling for nudes....is that like bowling for dollars?
No, Googling for nudes is NOT like bowling for dollars. It's more like Mister Hand's Nightly Quest.
man i got flash backs here KOW. i filled man of Happy Socks to Maxim and FHM in Iraq. GOOD TIMES!!!
I have to agree with the guys on this one. If I was as hot as Kelly Monacco I don't think I'd care about not having intelligence :-)
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