Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tonight's Christmas Film


Bill Murray kicks ass in whatever film he is in and this one is no different. It's a modern Christmas classic and a film I watch every year as tradition. I had no clue it actually received an Oscar nomination in 88' until I looked it up on IMDB today. Carol Kane is perfect as the Ghost of Winter Present. Honestly if you haven't seen this movie you should run out to your local video store and pick it up. I love it, freaking love it.
Real quick... look at Bill Murray in that pic to the right here. He looks high doesn't he. You just don't get that much expression in a face unless A.) it's an orgasm or B.) you've been celebrating Christmas with some snow on your mirrored coffee table.

I'll be putting the disc into the laptop tonight to play in the kitchen as I attempt to bake for the first time ever Christmas cookies. I promise you an entertaining post to accompany tonights debacle in baking. But shit it's Christmas time so let's make buffoons of ourselves while dressed in green and red sweaters and fuzzy hats.


Networkchic said...

I love that movie almost as much as the original.

I'm impressed that you know how to turn on the oven.

k o w said...

Hey I can cook just can't bake. The gf laughed at me on the phone when I told her I was going to attempt it.

Sky said...

Can you wear just a Santa hat while you bake and I will be right there?

k o w said...

That could get messy. What if I drip chocolate all over me willy?

Blueprincesa said...

Fuck yeah. Can I have some cookies?

k o w said...

Sure, I'll overnight them to BC.

finally forgiving said...

If you drip chocolate all over your willy then I'll be there to lick it off...

oh my

Danielle said...

ha sounds fun!!
I love that movie too~!

kimmyk said...

what kinna cookies ya bakin?