As our eyes adjusted we all realized where we were. All around us decay had begun to take over what appeared to be a theater. Soiled red velveteen walls, chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, it was as if we had stepped back in time 60 years. The musty air inside the building was heavy thanks to the summers humidity. As we turned towards the front of the building we could see the stage area. A hole was in the roof producing the effect of a spotlight onto center stage. It was unbelievable. Complete darkness other than our lights and the hole in the roof. As we walked around we found that the seats had all been buried under dirt. You could see them just peaking through the ground on which we were walking on. We made our way to the rear of the theater to what used to be the concessions area. It was in near pristine shape. Amazing when compared to the rest of the building. With nothing in there to see we decided to head to the stage. The building had to be close to 200 yards long. Gigantic when your 14 years old.
As we neared the stage n the right hand side we noticed a closed door so we went straight for it. As we were nearing it a large crash came from behind us. Scared shitless we turned around and saw bits of roof caving in from the rear of the building. Shaken now we continued on. On the other side of the door laid a stairway. Steps led up and down so we decided to split the group up. Myself and 2 others went upstairs while the others went down.
As we turned up stairs ahead of us was the scariest looking hallway you have ever seen.

1.) We have to set up a camera in the upstairs and investigate the upstairs again.
2.) We have to buy 2-3 inflatable rafts because we were going to explore that basement again as well.
This is just the beginning.