Monday, March 06, 2006


Her: So what are you giving up for Lent this year?
Him: Huh?
Your Catholic right?
Not since Tuesday.
Oh I'm sorry.
No it's ok you see I gave up Catholicism for Lent.
What does that mean?
It means I can have steak on Friday for dinner.
But that would be a sin.
Only if your Catholic.
But you are Catholic.
Not if I gave it up for Lent.
I can jerk off now without worrying about God watching me. It's great! True I don't get that voyeuristic feeling anymore but at least I know I'm not technically sinning.
Your crazy, what exactly goes on in your head.
Honestly I don't know.


Anonymous said...

Your a sick, heathen puppy in need of a bath.

Rebecca said...

Hi. Thanks for visiting my blog ( It's ok...even though I'm a pastoral intern, I found humor in your last post.;-) I have a personal struggle with Lent myself that maybe I'll post on soon. So, I hear ya. Maybe someday I'll be able to observe Lent with more of the heart that I should...but...until then my husband and I joke that we're giving up giving up things for Lent.

Anyway, watch for a new post on my battle with Lent sometime soon....

finally forgiving said...

I love your idea!!! Wish I would've thought of it sooner.

landry said...


jamwall said...

i always viewed the gordon's fisherman as a godlike deity figure..

Sky said...

So what if I masturbate you, would that be a sin?

ladylongfellow said...

There is a "bunch" about catholicism that doesn't make sense - Lent is just one of them. No meat on Friday is bullshit as well. Organized religion as a whole sucks, actually.

... j said...

dude, that's great. If i were still ermm going to church... i guess id have given up catholicism as well.

Chris Bloom said...

Too funny, Pete :) Glad I stopped by and saw that.