Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A new personal record...

Count them,
seriously seven
I ate 7 frigging hotdogs for lunch today.
with mustard
and relish
I'm off to barf now.

If your one of the few that stop by these pages and know me personally (both of you) then you know my penchant for hotdogs. I eat them all the time. Love the things. Boiled with mustard and relish on them their just about my favorite meal outside of steak and mashed potatoes. There have been times where I've eaten 8 hotdogs in one day but never more than 6 in a sitting. People are amazed when I eat them all as I'm not fat or even remotely heavy. I just like the things. Certain studies have found that eating them is actually healthy for you. I don't think they are but even if I knew they were slowly killing me I'd still eat them.

Baseball season can't get here soon enough, I love those dollar dog nights at the Phillies.


Networkchic said...

Ok, so you know what's in those things right?

Booster MPS said...

Its all about the Chicago Style Dog. I can eat these all day long. Hebrew National with mustard, onion, sliced tomato, pickle relish, peppers, celery salt and a dill pickle spear on a poppy seed bun. Bro you got me jonesing for a dog now.......

MG said... I'm hungry again

Caterpillar said...

I loooooooove hot dogs, too!!!

WDKY said...

Unbelievable. You're a man's man, pure and simple :-)

kimmyk said...

I love all beef or chicken hot dogs with relish, banana peppers, ketchup, onions, and a little bit of mayo. Man that sounds good. Real good.

Sky said...

Ok hon if you like hotdogs..make them like this.

Toast the buns.
Put BBQ sauce on them.
Place cooked hotdogs in bun, put more BBQ sauce.
Add cheese to top and broil.


... j said...

2 letters, I have only two letters for you... "ew"

Brandon Cackowski-Schnell said...

Lips and assholes!

Seriously though, hotdog + relish + mustard + saurkraut + onions = yay!

Either that or the chili cheese dogs from the Varsity. Heaven on a bun!