When I was 19 I started working at Blockbuster Video. It was a great job for a young guy in college. Rent movies and games for free. Fuck around all night, and take home a paycheck perfect for beer and rent. While I worked there one of the assistant managers was a young woman newly engaged at the ripe old age of 22. Her fiancee was a chef at a local restaurent and they had been together for years. Me and

her usually closed the store on Saturday nights and would open it the next morning. She would give me a ride home when my car was broken down and after about 6 months of working there I would give her a quick peck on the cheek when getting out of the car at night.
One Saturday night the store was dead. No one coming in or coming out so we put on a soft core porn that we had in the drama section to see what it was all about. It was tame. Scantily clad actor instead of nude and heavy rubbing instead of actual penetration shots. Well it got the 2 of us talking about sex and what we had done up to that point. We traded small stories about ourselves and you could feel the tension levels rising as did my cock. She was a freak. She told me how she loved to give head to guys and screw in public places. I was 19 and up to that point only had 3 women on my better end so I just played along. As midnight approached we started "bumping" into one another. Somehow one of our asses was always in the way of the other person. I push past her with my dick rubbing against one of her ass cheeks and she'd push by me with her chests gently rubbing against mine. I was loving it. Here was my "boss" flirting her ass off with me. I'm getting cheap feels and getting paid for it... hot!
Midnight came and I locked the doors down front while she went to the managers room to count down the drawers. After I finished returning all the movies to the shelves I went up to the office to see if she was ready to leave. I'm standing there in front of her as she was seated. "What would you have me do with that?" she asked me as I realized I had yet another boner and a case of blue balls setting in. "Whatever you want." I said back to her and she starts rubbing my cock through my pants right there in the office. "We should go somewhere where there isn't any cameras" she says. Now there were cameras everywhere in that store so we walked out of the office and scoped out a spot. the only place we figured the cameras couldn'tsee was in the horror section so we walked down the aisle where she proceeded to get down on her knees, unzip my

pants, and start sucking me off like I she had never seen a dick before. She's going down deep on me as I bend over and start to pull up her shirt. It was surreal as I'm asking myself if this is really happening. The next thing I know she has one pants leg off and I'm pushing her back onto the floor ready to enter her. She pulls me in close and I enter her while looking up at the cover of Monkey Shines. I'm inside of her not wearing a rubber and not giving a shit. Here I was at work, on the clock, having sex with my stores assistant manager. After about 10 minutes we finished. We pulled on our pants, set the store alarm ,locked up and ended up screwing again in the backseat of her car in the parking lot.
When we opened the store the next morning she says " I can't believe we did that last night." I agreed. We decided to keep it our secret as a. we would lose our jobs if we were discovered, and b. we enjoyed it. We screwed around in and out of work for the next 4 months until she left to get married. I haven't seen her since.