Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy Birthday Ben

It was 300 years ago today that Momma Franklin popped out the being who would go on to a life so distinguished they still talk about him everyday. Benjamin Franklin turns 300 years old today and he's never looked better. Many here in Philadelphia still think he's alive and living, roaming the streets for knowledge and a young lady of French descent.

I have long been a fan of the man. I used to go down to Franklin Court alot to read and think. I found the courtyard to be a great place to get away from the hustle of the inner city. I would just sit there on a bench behind America's first post office and just try to absorb whatever I could from the area. I have been to the museum underneath Franklin Court too many times and I love it more and more each time I go.

I could go on and on about how this man has influenced the way I think and live but I find people don't like to read long articles on their computer screens. Instead I will just tell you that I consider myself lucky to have been raised in the very same town that Franklin called home. So to finish this post I leave you with one of my favorite quotes of Franklin's, "Fish and visitors smell in three days."


finally forgiving said...

Yep...my uncle likes that quote too...

I always make sure I never outstay my welcome at his place.

WDKY said...

Good for you. I know your part of the world quite well, and love it down there. Not that I know Franklin Court, although I have no doubt that it's splendid.

Networkchic said...

You know you always give me new tidbits of information that I didn't have before...such a teacher you are. Happy Birthday Ben.

Blueprincesa said...


Blondie... said...

Happy Birthday Ben...and wow, I didn't know you lived that close of a proximity of such historical places.

Very awesome!

... j said...

I bet you he enver thought he'd be sung about in Hip Hop albums, or have his mug planted on the C note bill...