Thursday, September 22, 2005

Just sitting here wondering....

How do they get people to buy water for a $1.25?

What would happen if insects just decided to say fuck it and all join up to attack mankind?

If anyone has ever built a fort out of Froot Loops for their GI Joes like when I did as a kid?

How many people is it going to take to change the filters in my office's vent. I mean there's already 3 guys here looking at it scratching their heads.

Should I tell these fuckheads that I did HVAC for 10 years on the weekends and would of had it fixed in 5 minutes if this joint wasn't a union site?

How many people on that plane with the fucked up landing gear tried to sleep with the person next to them on the way down so they could go out with a bang.

What would happen if there was no 2% milk?

Would people suddenly go back to whole milk?

Is there anyone really reading beyond this point?

Should I go fishing this weekend?

Or close up the pool?

I could just sleep in and have sex before breakfast?

Should I do it without a rubber?

What the hell am I going to mix with that Cherry Limeade?


Should I get back to work here?

Or leave at lunch and go to Atlantic City to play poker and skeeball?

Poker or Skeeball?

Are you the reader naked?


Networkchic said...

I hate bugs, so I hope the insects don't start an uprise. You should go fishing but only after you have sex before breakfast. Rum goes better with Cherry Limeade. I'm not naked....I work at a law firm and they have many many lawyers who sue for that sort of thing.

NewYorkMoments said...

Not currently naked, but I was at 6:30am when I was reading Mister Hand's blog.

WDKY said...

Would you describe yourself as questioning? Just wondered...

finally forgiving said...

sex before breakfast definitely and you should have it with me since well I'm pretty much interested in the "fuck and leave" anyway.

k o w said...

Breakfast in Ohio it is. Can't wait to try your buns.

Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah said...

Nope, clothed.

k o w said...

Yup, up in the NE we have yards.

k o w said...

True, but my paycheck begs to differ.

hey check it I got "hertz" as my verification! Product placement!

Melvin "eM" Arroyo said...

Nope not nekkid, YET! heading to Ohio, plus i would've tried to get laid on my down and then celebrated for a safe landing.. ballz ouT!

dAAve said...

You should have gone fishing with a rubber.