Monday, September 19, 2005

She's crying...

.... in her back office. The door isn't closed and she's too tired to get up and close it. She crys everyday now for various reasons. Her son just moved back in with his 2 daughters. He hasn't been able to hold a job for longer than 6 months and has never gotten above the stock clerk level. The mother of his children has had two children with other men and couldn't give a shit what happens to her daughters so long as they don't get in the way of her next fix. Her son buys himself new baseball equipment even though the girls need school clothing. And he has a problem with paying her $150 a week for rent for him and the 2 girls food and bills included.

Her father just moved in with her as he's had a relapse with cancer. He's going to start undergoing chemo treatments next week and is going to need transportation to and from the treatment center. Maybe she can get him there after she drops the girls off at school? He's still giving money every week to the prostitute that moved in with him 7 years ago. She was bringing johns back to the house to smoke crack after she got done fucking them. She would beat him mercilessly, stealing his money and selling everything of value in his home. It's a blessing almost that he's sick since now she can watch over him.

To top it all off the man that has been living with her for 15 years is little to no help. Crippled by smoking he pulls his tank with him wherever he goes. Constantly arguing with her deadbeat son and ailing father he constantly threatens to leave her. He came to her after living with his mother for 48 years. After she passed he had no where to go and started spending time at her place after her divorce. She couldn't let him leave as he would have no where to go. But she can't keep him in this house with everyone else as it creates nothing but conflict.

So she comes to work everyday. After she drops her grandaughters off at school handing them what little lunch money she has to offer them. She comes to work everyday after she drops her father off to receive his treatment wishing she could stay to hold his hand. She comes to work everyday wondering if the man she's come to love will be there when she gets home. She comes to work everyday not only because she has to provide for all of them but to escape.

Besides it's the only place where she has time to cry.


Networkchic said...

that is so depressing, now I feel much better about my life.

WDKY said...

Thanks. That was very uplifting.

(Reminded me of Girls are Pretty, stylisticly, which is a compliment indeed.)

NewYorkMoments said...

Thanks. I'm going to slit my wrists now.

jamwall said...

from what it sounds,looks like she works hard for the money......So hard for it honey....She works hard for the money....So you better treat her right......yeah!

eczip <--- used for ziplocking your ectoplasmic residue.

finally forgiving said...

Yes that was depressing...thanks?